Leg's Note
Dear chingu, Call me ALI. Thank you for stepping by. Rude people suck.

A cup of tea or coffee

Story before
my leader here
Template , header and background by AtinTory. 50% Thank to Mayra. Other help . Edit By Yours....
12 Mac 2012 - Permalink | 0 Comments

Hey guyss and specially for my TWIIIN :P
Ali nak cter pasal kawan2 Ali or Ali gelar dorang

wait! what is K.B.S ??
okie let's Ali explain
K is Kawan , B is Baik and S is Selamanyee 

Sebenarnye memang susah giler nak carik SAHABAT or BFF or ETC... =,=
Ali dah rase dah kepayahan tuh , memang MEMERITKAN 
kalu korunk nak tahu
Ali dah buat UJIAN utk kawan2 ALI plus ALI jugak buat solat istikarah :)
RESULTNYE , memang puas hati
Then , ALI dah nampak K.B.S Ali !!!!
siape ?? siape ?? siape??
Biarlah ALI sorang jer tahu okay ?
Nanti , Ali takut orang tuh jady BONGKAK and LUPE DIRI pulakkk :P

Tapi kat sini ALI nak maklumkan kat korunk if ALI adew buat semua yg tertera kat bawah nieh , bukan pew ALI just nak uji korunk jepp ^_^V

* Ali adew sakitkan HATI korunk sbbnye ALI nak uji sejuh mane tahap kesabaran korunk kat ALI nieh . .hihih CHILLAXx

*Ali adew menipu korunk sbbnye ALI nak tgk sejauh mane kepercayaan kuronk kat ALI :D

*Ali adew MARAH korunk sbbnye ALI nak tgk sejauh mane korunk sanggup tahan ngn sikap ALI nieh :)

Ali adew buat kat korunk kan ???? =,= (those yg buat lah)
Then , kurunk tahu apew korunk punye respon ???

*Bile ALI sakitkan hati adew antare korunk yg TOUCHING ngn ALI sampai nk pandang muke pon ta nak but adew antare korunk yg justt BLUURRRing and BERsabar . . 

*Bile ALI adew tipu korunk , adew antare korunk yg tipu ALI balek malah sampai ALI percaye btol2 kat penipuan korunk tuhh . . huhuhu.,but adew antare korunk yg tahu ALI menipu but dye just BUAT TA tahu jepp

*Bile ALI marah , adew antare korunk yg MARAH Ali balik sambil kate ALI dgn perkataan yg ANNOYINGGGG !! -,-\
but got some yg suruh ALI buat bersabar and rileks2 kan diri

Thanks A Lot for those yg banyak bagy sikap positif kat ALI korunk memang K.B.S ALI selamenya :)
for those yg menghine harap korunk KEMBALI ke pangkal jalan (pangkal jalan jer kottt ) heheh

spread love <3
Ali Lautner