Leg's Note
Dear chingu, Call me ALI. Thank you for stepping by. Rude people suck.
A cup of tea or coffee
Story before
my leader here
tutorial nk wat blogskin :)
23 Disember 2011 - Permalink | 0 Comments
hello peeps !! arini nak share psal topik yg amat terhangit kat blogger iaitu
hehehe, aq taw ramai gler yg nak wat tapy ta taw kan? well aq will trying help u but korunk must ikot all this step!
jangan langkah mane2 step pon taw ! hohohoh'
1)log in to blogger
2)click design-->edit html
3)Dalam ruangan tuh korunk scrool down smpai bawah, then korank akan jumpe Rever To Classic Template kan?lepastuh korunk click ler tuh then save :)
4) Lepas tuh korunk gi kat ( )dan cari BLOGSKIN yg korunk minat
5) Okay , lepas korunk dah pilih tempalte tuh , korunk click that template and scroll smpai bawah and then click Blogger main
6) Once da click, dia akan download kat pc kuronk kan ?
7) Lepas abes download , korunk click file tuhh
8) Lepas da click nanti kuar dlm bentuk note pad kan ?
9) Lepas tuh korunk COPY that document taw !
10) Korunk gi balek kat blog then click DESIGN --> EDIT HTML
11) PASTE kan code yg korunk copy tadi kat ruangan EDIT TEMPLATE..
12) Save it and dar siap!! tapy kalu takot korunk gi PREVIEW OR PRATONTON :)
kay !! choww !!
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