Leg's Note
Dear chingu, Call me ALI. Thank you for stepping by. Rude people suck.
A cup of tea or coffee
Story before
my leader here
aq dh mntk maap kay :)
4 Disember 2011 - Permalink | 0 Comments
okay,,first skali aq mntk maap bkn sebb kne maki2 ngn kawan2 dye but mmg aq rase dew gune nk gado...
but bru jer mntk maap dye ta maap kn...
what i can say,aq dh mntk maap sbb mase tuh emo aq mmg ta ler bile marah mcm2 boley jady hot topic kan??
here the responde from that gurl
okay this komment trlipe nk padam post arituh but she keep blaming about that mmg ta sengaje lupe padam post tuh kay...i really sorry...sbb mse tuh aq terlalu marah
okay,....first thnkss to FAJO ..because helping me...
again she say hak dye nk buat pic kelas cm tuh ...
so...what my hak????
maruah aq murah sngat kew smpai nk letak gmbr cm tuh?? mnt5k maap kat dye bkn sbb kawan dye maki2 aq but SI SARMEET N DIYANA Yg pujuk ta kesah korang nk kutuk aq hitam or etc because this is me...and now i really change...
so aq malaz n ckp papaer lagy sbb my tugas is done with her!....she should forgive me because aq dh btol2 mntk maap...:0
about this pic
aq btol2 mnyttk maap kat dye
but she keep like this???
erghhh...dalam al quran kalu BUKAK pown mnunjukan bhawa kalu org tuh dh mntk maap ngn org tuh dose dye dah dimaafkn...but kalu org tuh ta maapkn
dye harus selesaikn ngn ALLAH tuh sndiri...:)
this pic so cool...SARMEET thankss sbb memahami aq...
no one know my feeling...dah mntk maap but still di MAKI MAKI...
again aq say sorry to LISA RAMLEE..
kalu dh ta boley maapkn...othing i can say but my problem done with you :)
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